Motu Patlu is an India CGI animated Sitcom television series airing on Nickelodeon. It is adapted from the classic comic strip on Lot Pot. It was premiered on 16 October 2012, beginning with episode "John Banega Don". It focuses on two friends, Motu and Patlu, living in the fictional city Furfuri Nagar. It focuses on how they land in hilarious situations and later rescue themselves merely by luck. Motu and Patlu are intimate friends of each other.
The director is Suhas Kadav and the theme music composer is Sandesh Shandilya. The producers are Deepa Sahi and Anish JS Mehta. The theme song "Motu Aur Patlu Ki Jodi" is sung by Sukhwinder Singh. Motu Patlu is based on characters created by Kripa Shankar Bhardwaj in 1960s for Lot Pot Magazine. After the success of Season One, Season Two premiered in 2013. Later, Season Three premiered on October 20, 2014 and season 4 premiered in June 2015.
The story revolves around Motu and Patlu, two friends living in Furfuri Nagar. It focuses on how they land in hilarious situations and later rescue themselves merely by luck. Motu and Patlu are intimate friends of each other. Samosa is the favourite food of Motu. . Motu always tries to steal samosas from a Chaiwala who is the only one who makes the best samosas in the city. Motu mainly creates problem and Patlu always solve it, some times Ghasita Ram,Chingam and Dr. Jhatka help them.
The main antagonist in the series is a criminal named "John the Don" who is always accompanied by his two henchman's. John intend to become a well known criminal but his plans always preys to fail due to motu patlu.
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